Arthur Belebeau

Arthur BelebeauI’ve been in a workout rut this winter. Subzero temperatures aren’t exactly inviting for a nice morning run, so I head back to the gym for the same old, same old. As things finally begin to thaw out, I’ve been itching for some motivation to get moving again. Enter the 60-day challenge from The Works, a training studio here in New York City. Now, I’m not sure if it’s the pressure of a trainer regularly checking my progress or the nutritionist measuring my waistline–or maybe it’s the $1,000 cash prize (did I forget to mention that?)–but something has lit a fire under me. It may have taken a small army to get me back to the grind, but psyching yourself up to get moving again doesn’t have to take a force of nature. I asked The Works’ founder Jennifer Searles for her best tips on how to get back in shape for summer.

Get new gear. “Buy a shiny new pair of sneakers, workout outfit, and gym bag. New stuff always gets you excited to use it,” says Searles. I love the idea of designing my own new kicks at

Shoot for three days a week. People overdo it when they aim for six or seven days a week. “Doing too much in the beginning will burn you out and make you not want to go. Start small and stay interested,” adds Searles.

Try something new. “If you’ve always done the treadmill, try a new machine. If you’ve never taken a class before, sign up for that boot camp,” says Searles. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, try one of these cool new classes: Surf Set (a full-body workout on a surfboard), 305 Fitness (a cardio dance class), or a barre class (total-body toning at a ballet barre).
Write everything down. “Logging it all in a journal–a new one that is only for your new workout plans–is the best way to hold yourself accountable. Seeing it all written down makes you want to keep improving,” says Searles.

Tell your friends. “Your goals are more real when people know about them. Plus, they are your friends, so you won’t want to let them down when they see you skipping workouts or cheating on your diet.”

Buy a new swimsuit. “Need I say more?” 

Buy a new pair of jeans. See above.

Get new tunes. “Make a new workout playlist. Good music makes anyone want to move.”

Reward yourself. “When you are able to run four miles, treat yourself to something you’ve wanted for a while.”

Take a selfie! “Record your progress in pictures every two to three weeks. Insta-collage them side by side to see how well you’re doing.” And while you’re on Instagram, you may want to start following supermotivational and inspiring accounts (@fitgirlsworldwide, @cleaneatz, and @factsofhealth).

What motivates you to dust off your sneakers and get moving again after a long winter? 

Original post found at:

P.S.  I find that incorporating a workout partner helps to get me moving again after taking sometime off from my exercise routine. We encourage each other and compare results on a regular basis. Make sure that your partner is committed to the routines and have similar goals.

P.P.S. Visit Exercises for Diabetics Today for easy workouts you can start now . . . and be ten pounds lighter in five weeks.


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