We all know how important physical exercise is for burning calories and sugar. When your workout is aerobic, you’ll increase your metabolism and circulation, reduce stress and keep your heart healthy.
While aerobic exercise will give you a dose of endorphins making you much happier, weight training is crucial for increasing muscle mass and improving tone.
If you have diabetes, please consult your personal physician before starting an exercise program. In addition, there are times when someone with diabetes should not exercise. If your blood sugar is low, do not go for a walk or run until it goes up. Of course, if you are ill with a cold or flu you should not be working out.
Also, if your blood glucose is greater than 150 mg/dL before exercising and the body does not have adequate amounts of insulin, the exercise will increase your blood glucose. This happens when your pancreas does not supply your body with enough insulin or you did not inject a sufficient amount.
In addition, certain foods and stress can require more insulin. It’s imperative that you check your blood glucose often so that you can balance your blood glucose levels.
Many people do not know that exercise can affect your blood sugars for up to forty-eight hours. However, it’s extremely dangerous to exercise when your blood sugar is high and you do not have enough insulin in your body. Again, people think exercise will lower your blood sugar even if your blood sugar has not reached 200 mg/dL.
Every individual is different but we all have to have adequate amounts of the hormone insulin in our body. If you do not have enough insulin in your body you’ll die. This is why diabetes is such a serious disease that requires so much training.
Weight training is essential if you want to tone and increase muscle mass. Start first by doing only 10-15 minutes 2-3 times weekly. It’s also recommended that you work different muscle groups. Since too much weight training can make you sore take it easy and don’t overdo it.
Now is the time to start toning up before the holidays!
Original post found at: http://www.examiner.com/article/toning-up-for-people-with-diabetesP.S. As the article states— the holidays is fast approaching and that’s the when we tend to over indulge as far as our diet is concern. It’s important to continue with a proper exercise program during this time to include stretching, aerobics and resistance type activities.
P.P.S. Visit Exercises for Diabetics Today for easy workouts you can start now . . . and be ten pounds lighter in five weeks.