Take Your Strength and Conditioning to the Next Level with Tabata Training

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always looking for ways to make their workouts more intense and challenging. It’s a bonus if you can also make them short. Tabata training meets all three criteria, and the only “equipment” you need is your body weight.

Tabata training is a form of high-intensity interval training that consists of eight 20-second rounds of an exercise with 10-second rests between rounds. That means you finish each exercise in four minutes. This workout, if done regularly, will increase your conditioning and benefit you on the field.

Tabata training was made famous by Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata in the mid 1990’s, but has gained popularity in the past few years. If you’ve never tried it, prepare to be pushed.

The first Tabata workout (Part 1) is for beginners. Once you master it, add Part 2, then Part 3, and finally Part 4. Performing all four parts will take you 16 minutes to complete.

Part 1 – Jumping Jacks

  • Do as many reps as possible for 20 seconds.
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat seven more times.

Part 2 – Push-Ups

  • Do as many reps as possible for 20 seconds.
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat seven more times.

Part 3 – Bodyweight Squats

  • Do as many reps as possible for 20 seconds.
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat seven more times.

Part 4 – Floor Crunches

  • Do as many reps as possible for 20 seconds.
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat seven more times.

Taking it To Another Level

You may wonder what to do once completing all four parts gets easier and you need another challenge. Try doing all four parts with extra resistance, like wearing a weighted vest. Or substitute more difficult bodyweight movements like Pull-Ups, Dips, Burpees and Over/Unders. If you train in a gym, perform weight-training movements like Thrusters, Deadlifts and Front Squats.

Original post found at:  http://www.stack.com/2014/08/01/tabata-conditioning-workout/  

P.S.  Tabata training emphasizes speeding up your workout to elevate your heart rate . . . . and burn more calories in a short time with body weight exercises. This is exactly what diabetics need to do in-order to reduce insulin resistance in the body. 

P.P.S. Visit Exercises for Diabetics Today for easy workouts you can start now . . . and be ten pounds lighter in five weeks.

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