How a Nutritionist Fights the Fate of Diabetes
Diabetes continues to be a growing problem and appears to be affecting youngsters more these days. The two best ways to prevent pre-diabetes, the precursor to diabetes, is with diet and exercise. While they are still young, teach your children to eat right and encourage them to be active.
Food manufacturers are getting very cunning at hiding the true contents of their products. Sweeteners can be labeled several different ways to disguise their real nutritional value and most customers neglect to read food labels. Ketchup, for example, can be found in most homes, but 95 % of the people who buy it are not aware that it is laden with sugar. It is usually the second or third ingredient listed in the nutrition label and ingredients are listed in order of the amount in the product container.
The following article further explains how to prevent pre- diabetes from affecting your family by consuming the proper foods and being active.

Exercising, eating well and maintaining a healthy, stable weight are all ways to lower your risk for diabetes -Ioana Drutu/iStockphoto
If you don’t have diabetes, it probably doesn’t matter to you that November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. But there’s a really good chance that you know someone who has diabetes or who will have diabetes. Here’s why:
- More than 29 million Americans (that’s one out of every 11) have diabetes today.
- Another 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes and are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.
- More children than ever (208,000 Americans under age 20) have been diagnosed with diabetes.
- If one or both of your parents have diabetes, this disease is a part of your medical history.
All too often, I’ll see patients whose blood glucose levels are within normal limits, but they ignore that their hemoglobin A1C is elevated way beyond normal range. (A1C is a blood test that provides information about a person’s average levels of blood sugar over the past three months.)
Most people may not even know to ask for this test or, worse yet, they don’t want to know these important laboratory values. These people are frequently “careful” with what they eat a day or two prior to the doctor visit so that their blood sugar levels appear favorable on the day of testing. There’s no hiding, however, from a hemoglobin A1C test, since it summarizes the past three months of glucose levels – including all of those birthday parties, BBQs and vacations!
2. I maintain a healthy, stable weight. Even subtle weight changes could have a big impact on blood sugar levels. If you’re overweight, don’t underestimate the power of losing a few pounds. Getting yourself to an optimum weight will help stave off complications and help you to feel energized.
3. I exercise regularly. You don’t have to buy yoga pants or join a gym. Just do something everyday. Walk your dog, dance in the kitchen while cooking or take a bike ride with your kids. Your body uses sugar for fuel and exercise helps to use the food you eat for energy. In fact, exercise in itself is energizing.
4. I rarely eat carbs without protein and healthy fat. To get the most energy and satisfaction from your meals and snacks while keeping your blood sugar levels smooth, go for the trifecta combo of protein, whole grain carbs and healthy fats. Almond butter on whole grain bread, Greek yogurt with chopped nuts, or cereal and milk can help you feel fuller longer.
5. I split desserts or try to make sure my sweets are occasional – and enjoyable. Having dessert should be a treat and not a habit. Go for small portions of those desserts that you’ll wish you could have again the next day and take a pass on those you’ll regret swallowing.
6. I don’t eat my problems. If you eat for the wrong reasons, you’ll wear the wrong sizes. Eating for comfort could lead to discomfort. Food is never a reward when you punish yourself by eating too much or by making poor choices.
7. I know my numbers. Going to the doctor for yearly check-ups should not be negotiable. There are some basic tests that can give you an idea of your state of health. Some of these tests could be life-saving, so if you haven’t had one in a while, schedule an appointment today.
Diabetes isn’t contagious, but bad habits are. Set an example when you set the table and keep diabetes and other preventable diseases away from your doorstep every month and any time of year.
Original post found at:
P.S. If you suspect that you may have pre diabetes, visit with your doctor. They can run certain test to determine whether or not your suspicion are correct. If you do have it then it’s time to take action.
P.P.S. Visit exercises for diabetes today to get started on a routine that can reverse the condition and restore your good health.