If you have just discovered that you are pre-diabetic or God forbid that you are diabetic, it’s not the end of the world. You can restore your body to ‘normal blood sugar levels’ naturally, without using drugs or expensive medication . . . if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes.

As  you are well aware, diabetes has become one of the fastest growing diseases over the last few decades . . .  impacting people of every race, color, and nationality. Chances are that you know someone who has this disease. It’s not just having an impact on this country’s healthcare system but as of 2010 was expected to account for 11.6% of worldwide healthcare expenditures.

If you have a family history, or any other markers for this disease, it is imperative that you have yourself tested. Hopefully your are okay and can continue living life as normal.

However, if you have now been informed by your healthcare provider that you have above ‘normal blood sugar levels’ . . . in other words that you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, then it’s time to get back on the path to better health.

If you have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic you may be placed on medication initially but the good news is that you can be rid of this in no time . . . if you can stick to an exercises program that will return your body to a normal state. If you are diabetic the same holds true, however you will have to work  a little harder to reverse your condition.

Of course, your dietary changes are just as important to maintain ‘normal blood sugar levels’, and hopefully you have made that correction as well. For a great source of information on returning your body to its proper ‘hormone sensitive self’ using good dietary practices, visit the Fat Loss Factor to the right of this page. Dr. Charles who developed the program has had a lot of success in helping people lose weight and become healthy again through his great advice.

As far as your exercise program goes, however, its imperative that you follow a daily routine that’s focused on getting your body moving. We live in a society that’s full of conveniences – fast food, elevators, remote controls and etc. We tend to become more sedentary and less active.

Some schools even make it optional for our kids to take part in physical education.  As a result, we have children who are developing diabetes at an earlier age. I just read recently where a teenager suffered from a heart attack. It’s an utter shame that we allow this to happen in our society.

I write all this to say that – we must make being active a part of our daily lives. Researchers have concluded that it takes about three weeks of consistently doing something for it to become a habit. What a great habit to have.

Schedule time each day to practice a routine that will raise your metabolism and cause your body to maintain ‘normal blood sugar levels’. Incorporate a family member or friend to join you. You can encourage each other. You’ll be surprised at how quickly exercise can become addictive. Watch TV shows such as the ‘Biggest Loser’  for inspiration. Put on your favorite dancing music and grab your partner . . .  or just do it by yourself.

I have developed a program specifically geared to help diabetics regain their strength and stamina. You see,  I have several family members who have been diagnosed with this disease and I want to make sure it doesn’t affect me.

Visit exercises for diabetes today to get full details.

To your best health.


Owen Lecky


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