7. You have Cushing’s Syndrome Weight gain accompanied by high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and changes in your skin tone and quality, including purple or silvery stretch marks on your abdomen and ruddy cheeks, could be a sign that your body isn’t processing nutrients the way it should, due to a cortisol-producing tumor on one of your adrenal glands. The syndrome affects only about 15 in every million adults annually, so proceed with caution before demanding a battery of tests. “Cushing’s Syndrome is not terribly common,” says Dr. Wittlin, “but one of the telltale signs is that your fat distribution is more in the midsection of your body, leaving your arms and legs looking more slender.
“Fix it: If you suspect you are gaining weight that you can’t attribute to your eating habits, medications, or lack of exercise, a few tests–including a blood test and urinalysis, to get an accurate check of your body’s cortisol levels, will give your doctor the first clues to this condition. If the levels are deemed excessively high, then your doctor will order further tests, like a CT scan of your pituitary and adrenal glands, to determine if such a tumor exists. If the tumor is confirmed, doctors will likely perform surgery to remove the tumor (and possibly the affected gland), followed by a course of steroids to help regulate the remaining gland. (Could you have a thyroid problem? Find out here.)
Original post found at: http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/7-weird-reasons-youre-gaining-weight-165900232.htmlP.S. Even though you may be taking prescribed medications for various ailments you should not neglect the amount of physical activity you do each day (with you doctors approval, of course).
P.P.S. Visit exercises for diabetics today where you will find your natural prescription medicine — various exercises that will help to reverse diabetes. Exercise once a day and never call the doctor except for trauma situation.
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