If you are starting an exercise program for the first time or getting back into it after an extended lay off, you will experience some soreness in the muscles exercised. It usually begins the day after exercising and can last for two to three days.

I always recommend starting slowly using light weights and doing low impact, short cardio routines. You will still experience some muscle soreness, however not as severe when compared to those who go all out.

If you walk through a typical gym locker room the smell Ben Gay will be obvious. It is a topical gel that’s massaged into the affected muscles and can offer temporary relief. For me, the best treatment is rest and a warm bath or shower to help relax the muscles. Do not exercise the same muscle group for a least three days. This will give them time to recover and rebuild anew.

The following article offers more treatments for muscle soreness that can help you avoid injuries.

How to cope with sore muscles after exercise

According to novice fitness enthusiasts, “Pain” after fervent exercising is a virtuous reminder that signals performance and physical changes. Unfortunately, the so-called-good-pain may not be comfortable at all times. Muscle soreness can interrupt your day-to-day chores and leave you restless. This is why intense research and analysis is done to identify ways that would help you cope with muscle soreness after exercise.

Muscles sense soreness only when its fibers and tendons are strained. This is when tiny signals are sent to the immune system to trigger an immediate repair phase. Conversely, pain would advise the exerciser to slow down and prevent bigger injuries.

Ice bag versus warm water baths
In most cases, a natural remedy against muscle soreness would be “Rest”. You should rest for at least one minutes after every exercise. The short breaks will give your muscle fibre the time to repair and heal. If you feel muscle soreness a day after your workout, you should try the “ice treatment”. This is where ice packs are placed on the swollen or affected region. Ice has pain relieving properties, which is cooling down your muscles and making you feel comfortable. For instance, ice would absorb the heat released by muscles and spread a wave of coolness. Likewise, a warm water bath will relax your muscles and relieve pain. There is a thin line between the ice-bag and warm-water treatment. As ardent exercisers, you should decide on any one of these treatments, based on your health condition.

Scrumptious cherry juice
A study that was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science stated that cherry juice relieves muscular pain in few split minutes. Fitness experts tend to drink cherry juice after intense workouts. This is because the recovery drink has nutrients that would eradicate muscle soreness and ease pain. Chemically, cherry is filled with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. However, remember to consume fresh cherry juice without sugar or artificial preservatives.

A herbal remedy
Herbal Ben-gay is another interesting remedy against post-exercise muscle soreness. The herb is obtained from arnica plants. Factually, pain killers like ibuprofen are made of arnica extracts. A study that was published in The Rheumatology International stated that Ben-gay can help relieve soreness and swelling in an effortless manner. Moreover, the effective relief is sold in the form of creams and gels.

Powerful deep tissue massages
Last but not least, try to engage in a “Deep Tissue Massage”. This is a treatment done in well established spas. Massages will trigger the flow of blood through your muscles and reduce the production of chemicals that cause inflammation. This makes massaging an ideal remedy against soreness. To be more precise, Deep Tissue Massages are 100 times better than over the counter medications.

Original post found here.

P.S.  As stated earlier, rest is the best remedy for sore muscles. If you exercise legs on Monday don’t do them again for at least the next thirty-six hours. Exercise chest or some other muscle group on the following day.

P.P.S.  Visit How to Prevent Pre-diabetes today for information of exercising properly to avoid complications of diabetes.

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